Gift Giving

Gift Giving

I have been thinking about what to post on gift giving for a long time and then it struck me. This is probably how some of us feel when they are thinking about gift ideas. Can you relate to this? Sometimes the energy put into this can weigh you down and even push you away from the essence of gift giving. Granted getting someone something really expensive can be awesome but most times, it is the thought that goes into it that counts. I know someone who gave a birthday gift that was just a piece of paper that had the signatures and good wishes of family members. It was very much appreciated and was even framed by the receiver.

To others it might be a hug or a word of kindness but whatever you choose to do, whether it is a gift worth £1000, £1 or nothing at all, what matters is that it comes from the heart of the giver to the hands and heart of the receiver. Genuine gifts are easily detected and its appreciation warms the heart.

That aside, what gift have you received that took your breath away?

craftyOgos Signature

About craftyOgo

I handmake unusual gifts with beads and yarn.
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